If you are an otaku who has trouble finding a cute Japanese girlfriend, then you may need to build up your confidence with Sega’s sexy E.M.A エマ female robot.
The female shaped humanoid robot was unveiled at the International Tokyo Toy Show this June. E.M.A エマ stands for Eternal, Maiden, Actualization and is 38 centimeters tall, has a curvaceous body, sings and dances and using infrared sensors the robot will kiss nearby otaku when it goes into “Love Mode”.

The target consumers are otaku guys over 20 and Sega hopes to sell 10,000 of
the adult-oriented androids within a year. EMA is expected to be in stores in Japan this month and will cost about U$175.
sumber: http://japansugoi.com/wordpress/segas-sexy-ema-female-robot-appeals-to-otaku/
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